Certain Steps

If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it – then you are ready to take CERTAIN STEPS. ……………………AA Big Book page 58

Archive for the tag “best”

Doing ‘Good’ Is Often The Enemy Of Doing The ‘Best’*

The want to do ‘good is often the enemy of doing the ‘best.’ One will often settle for doing ‘good,’ especially if it is in line with our ‘wants.’ This is often times done without further consideration for what may be coin the ‘best,’ because doing the ‘best’ is in conflict with our ‘wants,’ even if it meets another’s ‘need.’

Sometimes doing the ‘best’ course is considered, then discarded, because it does not meet our ‘wants.’ This is especially true of written procedure. It often ‘looks good,’ that is, until it is implemented; suddenly the ‘good’ choice isn’t so ‘good,’ and the discarded choice clearly the ‘best’ choice when put into action.

Complacency, inconsideration, and indifference seem to be the chief reasons for overlooking the ‘best’ course of action. Experience would seem to come into play to choose the ‘best’ solution, but, this is often not the case, the three previously listed factors seem to be the mitigating traits.

‘Needs,’ should alway over-rule ‘wants.’ Doing ‘good’ usually amounts to choosing a softer, easier way, to meet our ‘wants’ rather than doing our ‘best’ to meet another’s ‘needs.’ Perhaps before deciding to choose a ‘good’ course, we should consider whether that choice is chosen to meet our ‘wants’ and is selfish, or is the ‘best’ way to meet another’s ‘need,’ and therefore selfless.

We should also be on guard for times when we choose to wait to act with the excuse that we are looking to do the ‘best.’ To delay or act not al all until a perfect or ‘best’ solution is found is as bad as doing ‘good’ when a ‘best’ choice is available. This is a way of procrastination through perfection. Choosing not to act will sometimes imperil both ourselves and the other.

In the final analysis: Is it selfish? or selfless? Is it ‘best’ to delay? or merely perfectionistic procrastination? Does it meet our ‘wants.?’ or another’s ‘needs.’

 *‘The good’, runs the old aphorism, ‘is the enemy of the best.’

Nowhere is this better exemplified than in connection with self-deceit.

[1939 R. A. Habas Morals for Moderns vii.]

 *’The good is often the enemy of the best.’ (Bill W.)

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